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How Our Membership Work


  • Applications for membership are open to people who have some relationship with the Leicester United Caribbean Association and its affiliated groups.

  • Each membership application is subject to ratification by the Board of Directors.

  • There is a nominal fee, which is recommended by the board of directors to the membership for approval at its AGM each year.

  • Each member’s first £1.00 of saving into your Credit Union account makes you a shareholder and entitlement to vote at the Annual General Meeting; if your savings fall below £1.00 you cease to be a member of the Credit Union.

  • Members’ personal information - It is the responsibility of all adult members to inform the LCCU of a change of name, address and/or status. Before amendments are finalised members may be asked to provide proof of the change (e.g. proof of new address or proof of name change etc).

  • Annual General Meetings must be held before the 31st March each year.

  • Nominated Person – New members will be informed (explained) on joining that a ‘nominated’ person is required in relation to their account. The nominated person is the ‘only’ person the LCCU will deal with in the event of anything happening to the member. The Association of British Credit Unions Ltd (ABCUL) guidelines state that only the first £5000 can be issued to the ‘nominated person’ and that any remaining funds become part of the late member's Estate. It is also possible to have more than one nominated person on your account.

  • Junior Accounts - These can currently be opened for children under the age of 18. Once a child reaches 16, the Junior account is either transferred over to an Adult membership or closed. In order for the account to be transferred, the credit union requires written permission from the person that opened the account on their behalf, as well as 2 forms of ID for the young person. Proof of ID can include: Passport, Driving Licence, bill or any other official document showing proof of name, address and date of birth.

Apply To Become A Member

And get access to our loans, savings and community!

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